We offer a variety of recreational Sub Clubs for the use of our members. Our sub club contacts will be more than
happy to answer any query you have so please feel free to contact them.
Choose from Masters of Rugby League, cricket, golf or netball.
The Masters of Rugby League was formed for semi-retired and non-competitive players and officials to showcase their skills and abilities on the field without the risk of serious injury. The objective is to enjoy the game but still be able to get out of bed the next morning and go to work.
The game is open to all. You must have obtained the age of 35 years and not be playing any other competition football.
All games end in a draw with the emphasis being on sportsmanship, showing old skills and just enjoying the opportunity to still play Rugby League and renewing old friendships with a little bit of conviviality thrown in.
Training is held on Thursdays at 6.30pm at St Marys Leagues Stadium Training Field.
A big thank you to our sponsors John Leaver Engineering Services, Comfort Shutters & St Marys Rugby League Club.
Let’s support the businesses that support us!
John Leaver Engineering Services
Phone: 9833 3318
Comfort Shutters
Phone: 0408 642 621
For further information please contact –
President: Robert Gorst – 0408 663 440
Secretary: John Collyer – 0418 289 029
We wish to introduce in2CRICKET, formerly known as Milo cricket. With the help of CNSW we will be able to build a support base for the older age groups.
If anyone is interested in becoming a part of the cricket club either as a committee member, coach or In2CRICKET helper, please contact the Club or Darryl (details below).
Cricket Club President: Darryl Sillis – 0431 235 678
The Club plays every two weeks on Sunday mornings ranging from 6 to 7.30am and hits off at courses including Dunheved, Richmond, Penrith and Wallacia.
Members will have to play three games to receive a handicap and a further five games out of the last 10 (not including the handicap three games) preceding any championship to be eligible.
Golf Club membership is $10 and the cost per game is $50 or $40 (pensioners) which includes food back at Saints after the game along with the day’s presentation.
The Golf Club holds special games throughout the year including members only (last game of the year), Pairs, Points, A,B,C singles & Club Championships plus a weekend trip away and presentation night!
All new members must be a member of the mother club – contact one of our team below for more details:
President: Geoff – 0412 944 049
Secretary: John – 0419 400 723
Treasurer: Brett – 0414 751 411
Captain: Greg – 0415 377 710
Netball is an exciting, fast and skillful game of fair contest. Would you like to play for Saints, make some new friends, have fun and get fit at the same time?
President: Theresa Haldane
E:stmarysleaguesnetball@hotmail.com. M: 0422 532 497.
Vice President: Serena Vaeila
Secretary: Tracey Patu
Treasurer: Keri Hooper
Vice Treasurer: Courtney Samuels
Registrar: Courtney Samuels
Unpires Convenors: Sheylese Haldane, Kyah Vaeila & Alice Xu
Coaches Conevors: Serena Vaeila & Theresa Haldane
Uniforms: Tracey Patu
Social Media: Ella Patu
For more information please contact:
Email: stmarysleaguesnetball@hotmail.com.au