Children’s Policy




We ask parents and / or guardians attending the Club with persons under the age of 18 to pay attention to signage regarding restricted areas, and to comply with the following rules:


  • Club dress rules apply to all persons, including those under the age of 18.
  • Minors must remain in the company and immediate presence of a member or visitor who is a responsible adult, such as a parent or guardian, or other person who is standing in as a parent.
  • Minors are not permitted in restricted areas of the Club ie. Gaming areas, Saints Sports, and some lounge areas.
  • Minors must not approach or order beverages from any bar.
  • No persons, including minors, are to behave in a loud or unruly manner.
  • Unless attending a pre-booked private function, minors must vacate the premises by 10.30pm.


Under the Liquor Act, it is an offence to supply a minor with alcohol on a licensed premises. Significant penalties can apply including:


  • On the spot penalty notice of $1,100
  • Court imposed fines of up to $11,000 and / or 12 months imprisonment.

The Club reserves the right to request parents / guardians and minors to vacate the premises for breaches of Club policy, legislation, and any other conduct deemed unbecoming.