Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Policy
Scope & Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to demonstrate Saints’ commitment to Environmental, Social and Governance practices, and communicate this commitment to all staff, members, our community and stakeholders.
1. Policy Statement
Saints is committed to building ESG into all aspects of our operations. Saints will continually monitor employee, member, and community expectations to ensure our operations address those expectations. This ESG policy statement reflects Saints’ commitment to improving how business decisions and policies address opportunities for sustainability.
Environmental Sustainability: Saints is committed to operating in an environmentally responsible manner to reduce our impact on climate change, conserve natural resources and operate in compliance with environmental regulations.
Social Responsibility: Saints is committed to being a socially responsible employer by promoting workplace health and safety, operating ethically, and supporting local communities.
Governance: Saints is committed to building a culture dedicated to ethical business behaviour and responsible business activity. Saints believes strong governance is the foundation to delivering on commitments.
2. Objectives
In relation to this ESG Policy, Saints aims to improve our operations as well as help our members and community in relation to the following objectives:
- Recognising that the environmental management is a business priority that should be integrated into all aspects of our operations.
- Conducting all activities in a manner consistent with our Environmental Sustainability Statement.
- Developing an environmentally aware culture.
- Minimising our resource usage (energy, water, waste) and seeking to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint.
- Complying with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations, codes of practice and standards
- Provide a healthy, safe, supportive work environment.
- Encouraging the education, training, and development of staff.
- Having a positive impact on the communities in which we operate.
- Purchase from companies that meet Saints’ purchasing
- Support and engage with local companies in relation to
- Promote and continuously develop Club procedures and
- Conduct business ethically, implementing appropriate corporate governance practices.
- Applying best practice business risk management processes.
- Regularly reviewing our operations for compliance with regulations and community expectations
- Recognising that cyber security is a threat to our operations and ensuring that appropriate systems, policies and training are implemented to minimize the threat.